Chers Moriartistes, Il y a 6 ans nous étions en studio à Radio France pour enregistrer la version radio de l’aventure incroyable du Maître et Marguerite, le grand roman russe de Mikhaïl Boulgakov. Écoutez les versions préhistoriques de « Long Live The Devil », « Across From My Windows », « Fire Fire » et Rosemary dans le rôle de Marguerite ! Yours truly, The Moriarties ••• Dear Moriarty...
Pleyel 24.10.2017
Back on stage, after a two-year break.
SORTIE DE L’ALBUM LE 24 JUIN / CONCERT UNIQUE LE 14 JUIN AU CABARET SAUVAGE (Paris) ALBUM RELEASE ON JUNE 24th / ONE-OFF CONCERT ON JUNE 14th AT « LE CABARET SAUVAGE » (Paris) FR Cet album est issu de la rencontre entre MORIARTY et MARJOLAINE KARLIN, suite à leurs nombreux voyages sur l’Ile de la Réunion. Il fallait être plusieurs « zorèys » pour aborder au Pays des Merveilles d’Alain...
#EPIPHANY The first discovery

« Fifteen years ago we started accumulating homemade recordings of songs, sketches and improvisations. A few of these made their way into the studios and became album songs. Countless others remained in the shadows of our archives, unfinished, unheard, forgotten. Yet these recordings have their own kind of magic: they bear witness to the process of collective songwriting; they capture the...
#EPIPHANY digging in the dirt…
Volksbühne Berlin 30.01.2015
Moriarty on tour: Volksbühne, Berlin 30.01.2015. The next morning, we approach the Volksbühne, its massive presence commanding the Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, its slick greystone face punctuated by a few words: OST. HÖREN. The Stimmung, the atmosphere is haunted by a century of history, left-wing activism, social fights and demonstrations. Entering the theater one feels projected fifty years back...
Berlin 29.01.2015
Moriarty on tour: Berlin 29.01.2015 Back in Berlin after 3 years. January snow on Schönefeld and beige cabs. It’s freezing wet. The taxi driver, speaking with the Beh’lin twang, brings us to the Park Inn on Alexanderplatz. From the 35th floor window we watch the Fernsehturm soar like a lonely needle over the flat metropolis, rows and rows of DDR concrete blocks along the Karl...
Musée de la Musique, Philharmonie II Paris 25.01.2015
Moriarty on tour: Philharmonie II (ex-Cité de la Musique) Paris 25.01.2015 10am, next morning, warmed up by the sunny sunday, we’re up to rehearse with our fellow musicians with whom we’re due to play acoustic shows in the afternoon: Irshad & Nishad Ali Kawa from Rajahstan, Wayne Standley from the US & Moriba Koïta from Mali (call it an international coalition!) It’s a...
Philharmonie II 24.01.2015
Moriarty on tour: Philharmonie II (ex-Cité de la Musique) Paris 24.01.2015 Back in Paris, the big twisted shape of the Philharmonie rises in the smog-filled air, cranes and workers still struggling to finish the shiny cladding, while inside concerts are already taking place (and the architect notoriously refuses to appear at the inauguration and to sign a building he doesn’t recognize as...