Sherbrooke 02.07.2014


Moriarty on tour: Place de la Cité, Sherbrooke QC July 3rd, 2014.
On the road to the east. Sherbrooke in the summer, students are gone, the streets look slightly deserted but for the drifters and oddballs at the crossroads. It’s our fourth concert here. We perform on the Place de la Cité, a great empty square surrounded by stone and concrete buildings, flanked by the tribunal. It’s sweltering hot and there’s no sign of life. Luckily the audience starts to build up as night falls, bathed in orange sunlight… there’s families and kids and seniors and a few fans who start to dance like crazy. Later in the night, the maringouins attack. We have a last supper Chez Charlie, as a nod to our missing member. Then have a few hours of rest at the Motel La Marquise, old neon-lit roadsigns, sound of ventilation behind the walls like in a David Lynch movie.







By isabella